Building Your Competence Portfolio for an Academic Career
The profiles of PhD candidates, postdocs, group leaders or professors require changing skill sets. Researchers are often focussing on skills directly connected to research itself. However, in order to successfully navigate an academic career track, additional skills particularly in strategy, management, and communication become more crucial along the way. The workshop will cover the following topics and you get the chance to discuss your questions.
- Academic career tracks in Germany
- Relevant skill sets in academia at different career stages
- Strategy vs. lucky coincidences: How to prepare for the uncertain
- Identifying your personal skill portfolio
- Developing your narrative/profile as a researcher
- Communicating your skills & „fit“
Thu, 4 May 2023, 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM, face-to-face event
Hamburg Research Academy, Gorch-Fock-Wall 7, 20354 Hamburg
Target groups:
doctoral researchers, postdocs, junior research group leaders, w1 professors
Hamburg Research Academy
Anne Schreiter is Executive Director of the German Scholars Organization (GSO), an independent nonprofit that advises, connects, promotes, and funds researchers who want to build a career in Germany. After receiving her PhD in Organizational Sociology from the University of St. Gallen, she spent a year as postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley, USA. Learn more about her journey here.
Maximum number of participants: